
Tuesday, April 17

Panama City Beach

Steve and I surprised the kids with a trip to Panama this past weekend. What I didn't know was that my wonderful hubby made sure we had an ocean view from or hotel room on the tenth floor. It took my breath away.  When I asked him why? Steve said " I will do anything to see you smile." I didn't know what to say once in my life. I love Steve with all my heart. He amazes me daily.

I love the ocean there is a sense of calmness that falls over me when I see it. I could sit and watch the ocean all day. The hotel room was huge for a family suite. It had two bunk beds and a king size bed. Justin wanted to go swimming once we were there. It was a little late to do that. We did go take a walk on the beach. Putting our feet in sand was an experience all in itself. Steve hates the sand but walked in it for his family as he was grinning his teeth. The next morning we woke up at 6am ate breakfast then straight to the beach.
The boys had a blast! Christopher was stuck in the sand all morning. He really didn't care to much for the ocean after the waves knocked him down a few times. He did get his first taste of salt water that made him mad. Justin I swear he should have been born a fish. He was in the water like a pro. Daddy was showing him how to catch the waves on his kick board. He would ride a wave in fall try to get up and the waves would take him down. All we seen was Justin rolling down the beach as we are yelling for him to get up. It was great until he got hurt and started to bleed. He ran to the water to rinse the blood off. Steve and I were trying to stop him but it was too late because he ran back screaming"It hurts It hurts!" We couldn't help but laugh. I know laughing at your kids is wrong when they are hurt. Justin now knows not to do that for next time. We finally called it quits when Christopher was shaking like a left.
                                            Our next step of the day was Gulf World.
The outside of the building looks very small. It doesn't give it justice for what is inside. There he goes again my wonderful hubby made my day. He brought tickets for a meet and greet with a dolphin. Here we are touching a Dolphin. It was an awesome experience I still don't know what to say fully. I loved the fact that we were working with one dolphin and the baby of the four named Lilly kept coming over to play. Justin and I got soaked. How many people can say we played with a Dolphin who thinks it's funny to splash humans. When I mean wet Justin and I needed to change clothes after the meet and greet. It was still great. It was so much fun to feed him fish. They feel weird. Their skin is slimy.  Here is another one of my favorite animals the sea turtle. 

This thing was huge. It was really cute. I wanted to take one home. We were able to watch the workers feed them and the sharks they had in the same tank. Evey kind of animal you could think of we seen. We seen a magic show which is the only thing Justin talked about later. He loves magic and anything that has to deal with it. Watching a lady getting sawed in half. Justin says" I can do that it's easy to do." He is mister know it all like his daddy.  We took a walk on the pier.
The water is very clear. There had to of been at least fifty people fishing that day. We can see the pier from our hotel room. I would love to live on the ocean. I don't think anything else can compare to it. We are all in love with it. We will be back for Justin's birthday for sure. He will take the jet ski out next time with daddy of course. I will miss sitting on the balcony those two day drinking my coffee looking out seeing the ocean. I'm the happiest I have ever been in life besides getting married and having my children. This runs in at a close second. I can't wait to go back.

Crazy stuff

Kids are daring each other to eat ground cinnamon, no water allowed, in 60 seconds. Kids can experience severe coughing fits, choke, or suffer from pneumonia or other medical conditions as a result. Another one is choking game,and chugging water. I don't know about you but all of these are as stupid as can be. I heard about the ground cinnamon on 89x awhile back. Cinnamon plain is nasty. I don't know where these kids come up with this stuff but my question is why? Where are the parents? Justin is not out of my sight at all expect to go pee and maybe playing basketball. No, he can't go over any one's house unless I know them and I'm in the other room talking with the parents where I can still hear him. Call me overprotected sure but I'm not half as bad as Steve is with Jay. Jay has to be where Daddy can see him no ifs ands or butt's about it. I hate to see how we would be if we had a little girl on top of two brothers. She would really hate life. Whatever happen to playing at the park? Watching TV with your buddies? Maybe playing a game outside and riding a bike. I can remember playing from sun up to sun down when I was Justin's age. If I came inside I had to help my mom clean. I stayed outside as long as I could as long as I was back before I heard her whistle or the street lights came on. Her whistle is so loud that Steve and I heard her in that huge crowd at the Taylor fireworks one year. I told Steve which way to go because that is yup my mom calling us. (true story) Thanks Mom I love you to death.

 Now, that we live by neighbors I'm more cautious then ever before. Steve is a nervous wreck when I let Justin play Basketball outside with the neighborhood kids. Which has been okay for the most part. I find it to be a little strange that I'm the only mother that is checking on her kid. I seen a kid a little younger then Jay with his little sister who look to be about three or four months old. I had to restrain myself from going over there and asking if I could carry her where ever he was going. Not in a million years would I have let Justin carry Christopher around when he was that young. Come on use your head people!

Thursday, April 12

Christopher's First Hair Cut

We just had Christopher's hair cut the other day. He looks like a little man now. It makes us sad he has grown up so much since his birthday. Right before my eyes the little baby I once held in my arms is now a toddler. He is extremely smart beyond belief. He amazes me by how fast he picks up anything you say and do. He reminds me of Justin when he was little. The outgoing, catch me if you can, take my breath away little heart breaker. Christopher has the eyes you can get lost in as for his Big Brother's smile that will melt your heart. My boys mean the world to me. Today watching them take a bath together made me happy to hear Justin talk to Christopher as he listen. Christopher soaks up all the information like his daddy. He is a free spirit like Justin and of course he has his momma attitude all the way. I can't help it I'm Mexican! Steve refers to me as his little enchilada.(his favorite food)  Christopher is something else. He makes our family complete. He brings nothing but joy to our lives. If you blink you will miss something. I have to push Steve out of the door in the morning to go to work even though we see him we work at the same place.That's the great thing about working as your own boss you can bring your kids to work. He doesn't want to leave Christopher's side. My little Popsicle has his daddy wrapped around his little finger. Well he has all of us wrapped around his litlle finger.

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